Well, I’m here in my apartment in Koriyama jet-lagged and awake =(
I have added some photos of my apartment here. You can get to them by going to my photos section It is much bigger than I would have ever expected. It is also already furnished, although I will have to pay a small fee to keep the furnishings, which was expected. I am extremely satisfied with my living arrangements.
Koriyama is the biggest city in the Fukushima Prefecture with a whopping population of 339,000 people. It’s less than half the size of Tulsa. Even being the “biggest” city in the Fukushima Prefecture, I have been told that it is viewed as a “country” town by the big city folk in cities like Tokyo.
I don’t have a cell phone yet, but I do have a house phone. When I figure out my address and phone number, I will send an email out to everyone with my contact info. If you would like it, and want to make sure to get the email, please let me know in a comment or email.
Last night, I met a few couple of the people with whom I will be working. They are very nice. One is my housing manager. She is a Japanese girl named Urie (not sure if the spelling is correct). The other, and the person that I will be answering to is an Australian man named Matty. Matty has been here teaching English in Japan for 6 years, 5 of those with my school.
Today, I start at 3:30. My first day is supposed to be sitting in on a couple classes so that I can get the feel of what is going on. I don’t have an actual schedule yet, but I am looking forward to getting started.
Well, here’s to the first full day in Japan.
Glad to hear things are going well! Judging by the photos, yeah that looks like a wonderful apartment! My teaching gig solidified today, and I was offered the location I wanted. Before we know it we may have a reunion over in the far east. Take care!
Sweet man! You know you’re always welcome when you want to visit!
Grats on the position!!!
This is exactly the magic confluence of events that could result in a two-week trip to East Asia for me. So excited for both of you!
Glad to hear things are going well. Let me know when you get that address and phone number.