So, it’s been four months since I left Tulsa. Things are going well here. I don’t have a lot of news, but I just want everyone to know that I’m still doing great.
Work has been keeping me busy, but I like that. My schedule keeps me going to different places, so I’m spending a lot of time on the train. It’s nice to travel, but since overtime is calculated based on teaching time, I have little to no chance to get any, even for really busy months.
I think my routine is pretty well established. My eating habits are getting better now that I am starting to find places that sell food which with I am familiar, and also becoming more familiar with the Japanese cuisine.
I’ve received a couple packages from home. I was able to introduce root-beer floats and a couple other basic American things to a couple friends here.
My social life here is not nearly as colorful or eventful as it was in Tulsa, but I think that’s due to the fact that I built a nice network of friends over the course of my school years. It’s hard to find the same thing in only four months, especially with the type of gaijin turnover you have here. Many people stay here for just a year, or sometimes less when they are able to find shorter contracts. I do have a few friends that have been here for 3+ years that are not going to be leaving anytime soon. And despite the fact that my Japanese is still terrible, and nobody speaks English here (except the teachers that I meet) I have met a few Japanese people that I can hang out with, although conversations tend to be very difficult at times.
For everyone that I don’t get to talk to very often, I’m sorry. Due to the time differences, and my night owlish tendencies, it’s hard to call at appropriate hours.
I have been spending a lot of time following facebook from my iPhone, so it’s very comforting seeing how everyone is doing, and keeping up with the news back home.
I hope everyone is doing well, and look forward to talking to everyone when I can.
Glad to hear you are still doing well, albeit a bit lonely. Have no fear imported good company will soon be on its way!
Looking forward to seeing ya!