The Life of Oggy

Japan Disaster Update

A few friends (one is a coworker) and I have evacuated Koriyama. In Koriyama, we were only about 70 km away from the nuclear reactors, and with the threat of multiple core meltdowns and containment vessel damage, we wanted to get away. Currently, we’re in Niigata at a hotel. We are currently nearly 150 miles away from the reactors. We will probably be here for at least two more days as we pay close attention to the news and reassess our situation.

I think the main problem right now is being caused by spent fuel rods in reactor 4 at the Fukushima power plant. Overheating apparently caused a fire there, and, while the first fire was put out, a second fire started there. During these fires, there was a lot of radiation released. They are doing everything they can to get this and all the other problems at the reactors under control.

I am now weighing my options, and coming back to the states is definitely one of those options. There are also a few other places that I have considered as well (China, Korea, and even Europe).

We have been very lucky. The wind has almost constantly been blowing towards the east, so contamination on mainland Japan has not been a problem yet. As long as the wind continues to blow toward the east, I don’t think we’ll have any major problems.

My work has been suspended throughout this disaster. I don’t know when we will be asked to begin work again. While that isn’t a major concern (obviously, my health is the most important factor here), it is something that I must take into consideration.

I’ll keep you updated as the situation develops.


1 Comment

  1. Jen and Larry

    Bryan: Be safe and we would love for you to come
    back home to the states.

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