Time flies when you’re having fun. I’ve been here for ten months now. I still love it. My job is very rewarding. I never realzed how much I would love teaching before I came to Japan. The culture is vibrant. Even though Koriyama is a little town, I get to see many beautiful festivals and events.
I srptill can’t get used to the earthquakes, though. We get some small ones everyday, and occasionally the big-ish one. We haven’t had anything like the one on March 11 though.
So I just finished moving into the new apartments, and finally away from the old one. One of the reasons I left is because the owner hadn’t done any repairs to the building since the big earthquake, and the building looked like it was about to fall down. Just my luck, they start to repair the place the day after I finish moving.
I’ve also recently taken up Java programming, or rather, studying Java. I figure it will be an easy way to supplement my income, and help pay my student loans. It will be a while before I can start putting the skills in action. First, Java, then I have to learn the Android system. Maybe a couple months before I know enough to publish a simple app.
Anyway, just wanted to let everyone know I’m still doing well, and I still miss everyone. Im looking for wad to my visit later in the year.
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