The Life of Oggy

Author: Oggy (Page 13 of 29)

Made it to China… Next stop, Bangkok!

I’m officially on vacation now. I took the highway bus from Koriyama to Narita Airport last night. My first flight was from Narita to Shanghai where I am now sitting in a very expensive cafe because I could get free internet.

A lot has happened over the course of the last week, and maybe I’ll get more into it later.

As for now, I wanted to talk about my vacation.
I will be flying to Bangkok where I will have a driver waiting to take me to a really nice hotel. It’s got a pool on the roof, king size bed, and just a whole lot of awesomeness. The best thing is that it only costs about $60/night. I love developing countries.

Anyhow, I haven’t made any big plans yet, except to relax as much as possible. That’s what this vacation is about. I need to recharge my batteries.

On another note, sorry to everyone to whom I promised Christmas presents. They are still coming. I’m just really bad about getting stuff in the mail (as well as not being completely sure what I’m able/not able to send).

Anyhow, pics will come later, when I don’t have so many restrictions placed on what I can do with the internet.

By the way, if you think that the US has  too many security and cameras in the airports, then don’t come to China.

Keep Your PC Safe

As you probably know, I used to run a very basic computer maintenance and education business. I try to keep that separate from my personal blog, but I was reading something which is quite alarming.

This isn’t a new threat, but it is one that has become more popular as the “always on” internet has gained in popularity.

It’s called Ratting.

It’s a process by which a hacker gains complete control of your computer. They can see all your files, view your actions, control your devices (ie your cd/dvd rom), and even secretly record video through your webcam.
Read more about it here.

I’m not going to go into all the details of the RAT malware, except just to say it’s pretty bad stuff.

How to prevent yourself from becoming infected and targeted is rather easy.

Don’t click on links unless you know where they are pointing to.
Don’t open files e-mailed to you unless you know exactly what it is.
If you receive a strange e-mail from someone you know, there’s a good chance it’s not from them. Respond to them (by phone if you can) before you open any links or files. Ask them if they sent it. If they say yes, then maybe it isn’t so strange.
Keep antivirus and anti malware software running.
And ALWAYS update your system. Microsoft and Apple are good about fixing the worst problems in a somewhat timely manner.

If you have reason to believe that you have been the target of RAT software, unplug your computer from the internet immediately. Run your antivirus and anti malware scanners, and of course, talk to a professional. They will tell you if the symptoms indicate an infection, or if you are just being too paranoid.

On a side note, I’m preparing for Thailand now. I only have 5 days until I fly.

I’m really looking forward to it.

Of course, as always, pictures will be added once I return!

Cheers to the end of winter

Hi everybody!

It’s finally beginning to feel like winter is ending. I could be wrong though. The weather could just be teasing me.

So, I haven’t been up to much lately. Just working and snowboarding. I’m getting much better. I’m good enough now to hurt myself trying new things. That’s an improvement, right? My shoulder is still irritated at my surge in confidence.

Oh well, I guess I’ve never really lacked confidence before, why start now?

If you haven’t had the chance, I recommend that you check out House of Cards on Netflix. This is literally a series created because statistics, but it’s really interesting. It’s about a crude southern politician (Doctor, I’m positive you’d love it).

And at last, my big news….

Wait for it…


I’m going to Thailand next month!

This is a place that I’ve always wanted to visit. Hot weather, beaches, and spicy food.
I’ll be there from March 17-24. As always, I’ll be adding the pictures to my photo gallery.

Okay, I think that’s enough for now.

Talk to you later!!!


Happy New Year 2013!!!

Well, it’s that time of the year again… or rather the beginning of a new one.

I hope everyone enjoyed their celebrations.

The culture here is much different than in the US. It seems that the New Year is not a time for celebration. Many people go to the shrine on New Year’s Eve/New Year’s Day just after midnight and pray, despite being non-religious. It is just a tradition. Most don’t drink and party like us Americans do. Because of all that, none of my hang out spots were open last night. I basically just picked up some drinks from the convenience store, and then came home to watch the count down and party here.

Tomorrow is the day for sales, so who knows? I might go shopping.

Anyhow, have a good one!!!
