The Life of Oggy

Author: Oggy (Page 7 of 29)

How things can change

Wow, my second post this month. That’s rare.

As I wrote in my previous post this month, I’ve been starting a few new projects, as well as getting a new girlfriend, and now I feel like there isn’t enough time to accomplish everything that’s flying through my head.

I’m loving writing. I still don’t think that I could claim that my writing is good, but it feels absolutely amazing to be creating something original. I think too few people try to explore their creativity. It’s really liberating to be a creator. It’s been too long since I’ve done something like this. I’ve decided that whether it’s good or bad, I will, in some way, make it available for anyone to read once I’m satisfied with it. Again, it will be a while, but keep asking me about it if you’re interested (throw something in the comments, send emails, FaceBook messages, texts, ya know, whatever). That will help me keep my mind on it.

I’ve also been snowboarding like a crazy man this season. I’m going almost every week (only missed one week since I went snowboard shopping with my girlfriend in Tokyo). 2014 was my year of lethargy, and I was extremely depressed. I forgot how rewarding it was to come home physically tired after a day of exercise. It’s an amazing feeling, and I can’t wait for the spring to roll around so I don’t have to freeze to death to do outdoor exercises.

Speaking of outdoor exercises, I have planned a week in Bali with Misa in May, so I now have a deadline to get my body into beach shape. Now I’m not talking muscle man beach bum, but I would like to at least look like I take care of myself. I’m starting slow now, but I’ve been doing a morning exercise routine to help tone my muscles. I’ll lose some of the excess fat once the spring gets here. I’ve also changed to a low carb diet. We’ll see how that works out. I think the main thing to note is that I decided to cut beer out of my diet altogether. I think that will play a pretty huge factor.

Finally, things between Misa and I are amazing. This is the first time I’ve really felt happy in a long time. When I’m with her, I actually feel like I want to do better. I feel like I want to be a better man (I know, it’s a cliche, but it doesn’t change the fact that it’s true), a better worker, more active, and more involved. Last week, I had the chance to meet her family, and while I was nervous a hell, I think it went well. Despite her, and her family, not being able to speak English, and my infantile grasp of Japanese we were able to effectively communicate with each other. It was like working together on a big puzzle, and sharing the happiness of success when it was completed. Okay, maybe I’m getting all sentimental, but for most of last year, I thought I was never going to feel real feelings again. Needless to say, I was quite depressed. It’s amazing to know that it was just in my head.

Before I met Misa, I had all but decided that I wanted to get out of Koriyama after this contract year. I think five years is enough for this small city. I hadn’t decided if I was going to come home, or if I wanted to go somewhere else, but now, I’m 100% sure that I don’t want to stay in Koriyama for another year. If things are still going well between Misa and I in August, I will move to the Tokyo area (not Tokyo proper) for at least a year. I’m going to try to get involved in some projects until then to busy myself. Hopefully, as long as I can keep this motivation going, I’ll be able to post more to keep you updated.

On a final note, I saw this video about living past the age of 25, and it really resonated with me. I’m not really into motivational speeches, but this was a pretty good one. Check it out.


Almost Valentine’s Day

I figured now would be as good a time as any to send an update. A lot has happened, and since I tend to keep my life off of Facebook as much as possible, I thought I should send a brief update.

To start off, I have a new girlfriend. I talked a bit about her while I was in the states, but I didn’t say a lot. She’s an amazing girl! I met her on a night of bar hopping. She’s from a small town just outside of Koriyama, but she lives near Tokyo, so I don’t get to see her a lot, but when I do, everything is just perfect. She’s very friendly, and doesn’t have the traditional quiet Japanese personality. She’s a little crazy, like myself, and we click perfectly. A few weeks ago, we went to Tokyo Disneyland together, and despite my concern for having thousands of screaming children running around me at all times, we had a blast. The child inside came out, and I ended up singing a bunch of Disney songs. I would upload pics, but since her job is in the public eye, we’ve been very careful about being too public with pictures. Weather permitting, I’ll be spending Valentine’s Day with her in Koriyama. I’m pretty excited about that.

While I don’t usually make New Year’s resolutions, I decided to do so this year. I’ve decided to write a book. I haven’t decided whether to publish or not, but I’m now about 25% through it, and I hope to finish the first draft by the end of the year. I don’t know if it’s any good, but I needed a challenge, and while I’m a very good talker and tend to be a decent story teller, I’ve never really been able to translate the spoken word to paper. If anyone is interested, and without giving too much away, it’s a post-apocalyptic survival story. Once I decide if it’s worth letting others read, I’ll be more open about sending excerpts or asking for help in editing.

More recently, I’ve started getting into lyrics writing. I’ve never been much of a poet, but with all the writing I’ve been doing lately combined with a good conversation with a musician friend of mine, I’ve decided to give it a try. He sent me some background music last week, and I’ve already got half the lyrics written. Again, I’m not sure it’s so good, but it’s keeping me busy.

I’m really enjoying exploring my creative side. Since university, I’ve had real problems tapping into my creativity. I haven’t had much confidence in that area, and because of that, I feel like other aspects of my life have suffered. So, here’s to exploration. If anything comes of it, you will be the first that I let know. Perhaps I’ll even post an excerpt of my story or samples of music on my site. We’ll see as things develop!

Thanks for reading. See you next time!

Happy New Year 2015!

Okay, I know it’s a bit late, but I just wanted to say it.

The holidays were great! I was so happy to be able to see everyone, and as always, I didn’t get to spend enough time with anyone.

One of the questions that came up a lot is, “When are you coming back?” I always answer that with, “Maybe next year.” But it seems like that answer never changes. It’s always the same answer.

I never really know how to answer that, so I stick with my canned answer. The easy, yet ultimately unsatisfying, answer is that I just don’t know. I think one of the main issues is that I have no idea what I would do if I came back. I’ve been out of the states for a while, and even when I come back to visit, I feel a little lost. Almost everything is as it was when I lived there, but there’s this burning feeling that something is different, and I just can’t put my finger on it. And I just can’t get really comfortable until I figure it out. It’s probably just me though.

Secondly, I’m really enjoying myself here. Japan is an amazing place, and I’m never at a loss for something to do. The size of this country is one of the things that makes it so convenient. I still don’t have a car, because I just don’t need one. I can take trains or buses almost anywhere. I have beaches and mountains all around me. I can go snowboarding in the winter, swimming, surfing, and scuba diving in the summer, and hiking in the spring and winter all within a few hours from my home.

In short, I’m loving it.

Don’t get me wrong. I still plan to come home. I just don’t have any date hard set.

Anyway, you’re all in my heart and thoughts. No matter what distance separates us, I’ll always be here for you, and that will never change.

Home is nice

Well, I’m home. I’ve been here for a week, and have remained rather quiet this time around. Sorry to anyone I haven’t talked to yet. I’ll get around to it.

I’ve been catching up a lot on my sleeping, but I’m still waking up super early, hence the reason I’m posting at 3:30 am.

Anyway, I just wanted to give a heads up that I’m around.


Just Seven More Classes

I’m clocked out. You know that week before a big vacation where you really can’t do anything productive because you’re brain missed the memo that your vacation hasn’t started yet?

Yeah, that’s me now.

Anyway, just seven more classes and two Christmas parties until I’m officially on vacation.

I’ll be arriving in Tulsa on Monday assuming that there aren’t any problems with the flights.

I budgeted in a day in Tokyo, so if anyone wants anything special from Japan, I’ll be shopping then. Just let me know in an email, or comment on this post. Keep in mind, I have to get it through customs, so I doubt I’ll be able to bring any katanas or anything like that.

As far as seeing everyone goes, I should have the time this time around. I’m hoping I can beat the jet lag within a couple days.


Until next week.


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