Hello everyone!

I hope all is well. Wow, two posts in a month. That hasn’t happened in a while.

Anyway, this isn’t a social visit, it’s more of a what’s going on on the business side of things.

First, my hosting account has dried up, so I’m going to be migrating the site over to a new host over the course of the next couple weeks. YAY!!! Wait wait wait…. That may mean that there will be some downtime. BOO!!! Probably not a big issue here, since I don’t get millions, thousands, or even hundreds of visitors, but a minor inconvenience.

Secondly, I mentioned in my last post that if anyone wants to be so kind to donate to my baby cause, they could contact me to get details. I figured I’d make it easy. I set up this really easy Paypal option. So, if you feel so inclined (no pressure) to donate $5, $10, or even $1,000,000, I’d greatly appreciate it!

I’ll also add this to my home page to make it easier.

Thirdly, I’m starting to look for options in publishing. I’m going to start with trying to get published traditionally. If that doesn’t work, I’ll look into self publishing. It’s a little expensive to do that, though, so if anyone is interested in my book, let me know. I will go more into details about the options as I figure more out.

That’s the current state of affairs.
